COVID Leadership

During COVID we have enabled 500 leaders in 30 countries to cope with and lead through uncertainty.


Covid Leadership – 5Rs

The advent of COVID has required all of us to RESET TO ZERO.

Never in our lifetime have we had so much global, local and personal uncertainty.

COPING WITH and LEADING THROUGH the UNCERTAINTY is key for leaders at this time.

There is no-one who has not been impacted in some way by the effects of this pandemic. Our COVID leadership webinars help leaders understand that they are not alone and that everyone is coping with some degree of change and uncertainty. The webinars also provide leaders with strategies to cope personally and lead others through the uncertainty. Our maxim is, in the absence of leadership, the key is to step up and provide leadership.

Our COVID coaching assists individuals to focus on the present and what they can control and to look after themselves before they can look after others. It builds on this sense of personal control with targeted support to achieve outcomes in this new context of staff working remotely or with social distancing.

Our REMOTE TEAMS sessions are designed to build a sense of belonging in a remote context that allows people to connect and achieve whilst managing the rest of the changes in their lives. The REMOTE TEAMS sessions are about ensuring major issues aren’t missed whilst everyone is working remotely and under pressure.

We can’t control a lot of things in this COVID context but we can control how we spend our time and how we look after ourselves. It is that sense of control that provides the platform for more effective decisions and leadership during the pandemic.

If you want to learn how to cope with and lead through the uncertainty of COVID…